Shop by Character Inspiration
In LARP, players are strongly inspired by fantasy in order to create their character's story and personality. Whether the inspiration comes from literature, movies or games, many classes became essential to create a great LARP scenario. The rogue reliing on ruse to achieve his goals. The Viking traveling to conquer new lands. The divine soldier fighting for a higher purpose. Individuals with the gift of magic using it to help others, or to gain power for themselves.
When it comes to ordering LARP equipment, the first question that should come to mind is: "What is your character's main inspiration?" This is exactly why we've created this shopping experience. We have taken all the LARP weapons, armors, costumes and accessories and filtered them by inspiration, so you can check only the best options for your character.
And that's not all. Our inspiration section will also help you learn a lot from each character type and their place in LARP. Find great costume ideas be looking at our portfolio or even ask us to create your own custom project. Ready to start? Just select an inspiration below and dive into our universe!
Rogues share a lot in terms of skills and methods. They are a pragmatic lot that will use any advantage they can get to achieve their goal, and don’t hesitate to rely on ruse, stealth, and deception to get closer to their victims.
Vikings represent an extremely popular and influential theme that can lead to a large array of concepts and characters. Quite distinct from the more brutish barbarian archetype, the Nordic warrior is probably one of the most popular of these classic fantasy characters.
Fantasy has been influenced by this idea of an era of faith, and the divine is largely present in most fictional worlds set in medieval times. It is not surprising to see many divine and religious archetypes being adapted into play, nor is it to see many fantasy character classes in LARP expanding from these historical roots.

In fantasy, druids are often portrayed as wise and knowledgeable hermits, well learned natural scholars that have herbs and concoctions for many purposes. Their relationship with society is complex, as they may occupy an important spiritual role for their community, but may feel closer to the wild, its inhabitants, and its spirits than any tribe or clan.
A dark magic user navigates between the themes of evil sorcerer, shadowy mystic, insane cultist, tenebrous witch, grim necromancer, and demon follower. No matter the form of magic that is wielded by such a character, it came with a great price, may it be a moral, spiritual, or material one.
The scholarly aspects of high magic and the intricacies of its practice is closely related to the typical profile of its practitioners. This form of esoterism was mostly present in wealthy and aristocratic circles, among noble and wealthy intellectuals of the time.
The concept of the barbarian is as old as civilization itself, finding its origins as far away in history as the founding myths of the great city of Uruk, thousands of years before any Roman or even ancient Chinese used the epithet to mock the people of their periphery.
By many accounts, the Renaissance can be seen as the natural extension of the medieval era, but it also saw a resurgence of thoughts, texts and influences from Antiquity, with sweeping changes in art, philosophy and science inspired by humanism, recent innovations and a rediscovery of ancient ideas.
In LARP, pirates can lean on different stereotypes depending on the setting and the mood of the play. They can be festive, open-minded, and social characters full of far-fetched tales, drinking stories, and eccentric superstitions. This fun and charismatic version of the pirate is a likable scoundrel, some sort of anti-hero that sails in shady waters but feels pretty approachable.
In fantasy, the tavern or inn is often the link between the normalcy of medieval life and the adventurous heroes and champions who travel the world in search of adventure. It is a safe haven, a place where common folks can meet adventurers and travellers, the mundane mixing with the extraordinary.
Rangers are often depicted as lone wolves, stoic silent types, or antisocial wild characters more at ease with animals than people. They may also be heavily influenced by the idea of the hunt, seeing things through a predator-prey lense, or adopting a very pragmatic mindset revolving around survival.
The Crusades saw the ascension of religious knightly orders across Christendom, and those holy knights, battle clerics, and warrior priests became so iconic they are now synonyms with the time period. In LARP, any zealous inquisitor, dogmatic templar, or warmongering believer has some of the Crusades’ mythos influencing their play, consciously or not.
In LARP, nobles and merchants characters are sharing some similarities, often conflated together by stereotypes and caricatural cliches. We all saw those pompous, hedonistic, prideful and self-important characters despising everything that is common or bellow them, shunning physical work and boasting with an almost cartoonish sense of entitlement.
The Late Middle Ages are associated heavily with gothic themes. It was a time of great challenges, and those who could rise from the ashes of these dark times were hardened like steel. Crisis can forge heroes, break ancient norms, and inspire new ideas and amazing creations.
Between its history and its legends, Antiquity is filled to the brim with iconic characters that are now points of reference for both real life and fantasy. But more than the Spartacus, Hercules, Judas, Aphrodite, or Hannibal, the time period also saw concepts that would grow very well represented in our culture, and inspire a lot of characters in LARP.
In LARP, a mercenary character will generally look like a battle-hardened veteran. No shiny full plate or fancy armor should be worn, but rather rugged, practical gear that can be worn during long marches. A mercenary is no noble knight, has no squire to get into their armor, and often needs to perform field repairs on their equipment.
Creatures are all about makeup and prosthetics. The best costumes will be the ones that hide your humanity the best, while remaining believable and convenient to wear during LARP. Masks present an easy and convenient way to hide your face and turn yourself into a creature, but sometimes they will make it harder to breathe, see, drink, and eat.
This history of archers and wars can inspire LARPers when creating their characters and their outfits. Different from the fantasy archetype of the ranger, the archer is a soldier first, not a hunter or a scout. They were sent to war or kept watch as part of garrison and city guards.
While a majority of LARP are dedicated to medieval fantasy, science fiction and post-apocalyptic events are probably some of the most popular ones outside the classic sword and sorcery settings. Post-apocalyptic in particular is a favorite, with numerous wasteland and zombie-themed activities occurring all over the world.
Asian-themed fantasy characters can be as diverse as their European counterparts. In truth, you could read any of our other inspiration pages and apply it to fantasy characters of any origin. Rogues, priests, warriors, and rangers can be found everywhere and come from any nation, fantasy or otherwise.