About the Products
These reinforced scabbard made of rigid ABS tubing covered with leather are created to offer a more authentic and realistic alternative to carry LARP swords, as opposed to the partial and flexible leather scabbards most often seen. They are perfect accessories for injected foam swords such as those from Calimacil and Stronghold brands.
Historical scabbards were generally reinforced with wood or metallic pins under the leather. This light and resistant modern alternative is made to recreate the rigid construction of medieval scabbards, adapted for foam swords. The closed medium and long versions are the best choices for the purpose of realism, while the opened short option offers a more versatile accessory capable of holding a wider variety of swords.
The Man-at-arms scabbards
- Alesia
- Griffin
- Freydis (short)
- Novice II (short)
- Ragnar II (short)
- Sanguis II (short)
- Viking Sword II (short and medium)
*Can also hold any sword listed for Medium and Long scabbards
- Arming Sword (medium)
- Bastard Sword (long)
- Dreki Sword (medium)
- Highborn Sword (medium)
- Knightly Sword (medium)
- Novice II (medium)
- Ragnar II (medium)
- Robert Stark (medium)
- Sanguis II (medium)
- Skullgar II
- Bellator II
- Harbringer
- Henry's Sword
- Khepri II
- Knight of Emerald Sword II
- Magnus III
- Niobe's Sword
- Novice II (long)
- Rob Sharp
- Robert Stark (long)
- Roman Gladius
- Sir Radzig's Sword
- The Duchess

Discover the
Man-at-arms scabbards
This rigid leather-covered scabbards hold your blade with great support and an authentic historical finish.