The Caribbean Viper, an elusive shadow dressed in black, reigns over the night seas aboard her ghost ship. Her mysterious past and legendary cruelty make her a feared terror, her cold eyes reflecting the hardships endured at sea. At the head of her loyal crew, she wields formidable strategic intelligence and unshakeable courage, attacking with surgical precision.
The Black Snake, a floating fortress, leaves in its wake sunken ships and pillaged cities. While the lure of gain motivates the Viper, persistent rumors evoke a quest for vengeance, a past injustice that haunts her. Condemned to wander endlessly, she embodies the duality of piracy: both terror and legend, a menacing shadow over the turquoise waters of the Caribbean, in search of a peace that may be unattainable.
We've created a complete costume for your future character. It's one-of-a-kind! It's ready for immediate shipment for your next medieval event, whether it's a LARP, Rennaissance Faire, or Halloween party.
This set includes:
- Stainless Steel Tankard 580ml 40.00 $
- Black Simple Pouch 30.00 $
- Neutral Bracers - Black (M/L)50.00 $
- Knot Belt - Black (M)40.00 $
- Tankard Holder - Black/Nickel 15.00 $
- Vial Holer - Black 40.00 $
- Fisher Long Pants - Black 55.00 $
- Shieldmaiden Cuirass - Black (M) 495.00 $
- Shieldmaiden Unique Pauldron - Black 90.00 $
- Tilda Blouse - Black (Small) 60.00 $
- Jack Rackham Tricorn - Black (S) 130.00 $
Overall value: 1 045$ CAD
Each set is a unique piece, with its own history and small imperfections. Sold as is, they're perfect for those looking for original items at discounted prices. Don't miss out on this clearance sale!
Made in Quebec, Canada by Les Artisans d'Azure (Except clothes, mug and hat)